The virtual machine could not connect

Hello, now I have a problem. Tira shows that my virtual machine SSH port is open,and my information is correct.however, “connection is closed by foreign host” is displayed during remote connection. if you know how to solve it, please tell me. Thank you very much.

Hello, the problem I asked for help has been solved. Please forgive me if I disturb you.

No worries :slight_smile:

You are welcome. What was the solution to your problem?

Best Regards,

I just turned off the intelligent acceleration option when connecting to the virtual machine. Now I have a new problem. It seems that the running speed of the virtual machine is relatively slow. Can you increase the number of CPUs for my virtual machine? My team name is liaozhihao21. Thanks!
best wishes

Dear LiaoZhihao,

is the slow running time a problem for you?
We do not have any problems when a software submission in TIRA runs for a few days.

Still, we can add more resources (in terms of CPU and RAM) to your virtual machine.
Please just let us if you need more resources.

Best Regards,


Dear froebe,
I think it’s a issue. Now I predict that my program will run for at least nine days, so I have this idea.Thank you!
Best wishes,

Hi there Liaozhihao,

How much additional power do you reckon you need for a reasonably-timed run? Would an additional 4GB of RAM and an additional CPU be enough?

Dear christopher
I think an additional 4GB of RAM and 4 CPUs are enough.
Best wishes,

The resources have been added, and the virtual machine restarted. Happy coding!