Why can't use GPU anymore

I used the officially recommended Docker image and successfully ran it in previous tests with results, but now it will appear:
RuntimeError: Found no NVIDIA driver on your system Please check that you have an NVIDIA GPU and installed a driver from Official Drivers | NVIDIA
Can you help me find the problem.Previously, I was able to use GPU when submitting the system, but now the relevant person in charge has sent me an email stating that there are issues with the operation.

Dear Liu,

Thanks for reaching out, I will look into this!

Best regards,


Dear Liu,

We were now able to resolve the problem and I have started the corresponding software again.
There was a misconfiguration on some Kubernetes nodes with a GPU, so that the software was executed on a node with a GPU and had access to the GPU, but kubernetes used a wrong runtime that prevented the access to the GPU.
We have now fixed this configuration problem, and your software is now estimated to be finished in 18 minutes according to its outputs.

Thanks for your patience!

Best regards,
