Dear doctor,I'm having difficulty in registering

I’m having difficulty registering because my team name is 31 characters long, which is longer than the registration name limit. Could you please advise me on how to address this issue?

Dear @daytoy,

Thanks for reaching out!
You can use a prefix of your team name, you must not register with exactly the same team name as in CLEF. So if you use a shorter version of the team name everything will be fine, we will manually align the team names between tira and CLEF.

Does this resolve your issue?

Best regards,


Dear Doctor, I’m still unable to register despite following those steps. Would using Chinese characters for my Affiliation cause any issues? How should I proceed to resolve this?

Hi, yes, chinese characters might be a problem. Could you use the English version without chinese characters? Sorry for the inconvenience!

Best regards,


Dear Doctor,It’s showing “registration in progress,” but it hasn’t displayed registration success yet. When I signed up, my Affiliation was in Chinese. Can I change it to English when submitting the registration?

Hi, have you tried reloading the page? If this does not work, can you please send me your information via a direct message, then I will finalize the registration for you.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


The following is my registration information:

  • Task 1 - Multi-Author Writing Style Analysis
  • Team: Text Understanding and Analysis;
  • Affiliation: 佛山科学技术学院;
  • Country: CN;
  • Contact Person: 17264112965;
  • Contact email:
    Thank you for your help.

Dear doctor, How long will it take for you to complete my registration? Once registered, how do I log in?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


Dear Daytoy,

I see that you now completed your registration, so everything worked and you should now be able to submit.

Best regards,
