Docker image selection issue

My docker image is not available to select after I have uploaded it. It seems to not have been loaded completely.

How would I be able to run my program?


Dear Adhi,

Thanks for contacting us!
I look into it.

Best Regards,


Dear Adhi,

I think I found the problem: it seems like the image that you can not select is not in docker format but instead an OCI image (OCI = open container initiative).
At the moment, TIRA does not support OCI images but only docker images.

Although I see that we should definitively fix that (I create an issue so that tira supports OCI images as well), I think changing the format of the image to the docker format is likely much easier now.

I googled a bit around, and for example podman creates OCI images by default (the –format flag in podman uses OCI by default, but you can specify --format docker to create images in docker format).

What tool do you use to build your image?
Would it be easy for you to rebuild the image in docker format and re-upload?

(As a side node, I saw that the file / in the docker image is not executable and also has no shebang. So a command like / ... would at the moment fail, you can make it executable by running chmod +x / and adding a shebang, e.g., #!/usr/bin/env python3 to the first line of this script. Alternatively, if you specify a command like python / ... it should work directly.)

Thank you for your participation!

Best regards,


For completeness, this is the new issue that I have created for TIRA: TIRA should support OCI images · Issue #369 · tira-io/tira · GitHub

I think this would take us some time to implement, so if you could upload the image in docker format without much effort, that would be great! :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

Thanks so much, it managed to work!


Super cool, I am very happy to hear this!

Best Regards,
