I have made the all code on jupyter notebook. can you please tell how to submit it?

I have made the all code on jupyter notebook. can you please tell how to submit it?

or can we submit the results only ?

Dear Aish,

Thanks for reaching out!
First, you must register to the task that you are interested in via the register button:

As soon as you have registered, you can click “submit” and then you can decide how to upload, e.g., via a Docker submission or a code submission, which then gives you a step-by-step guide:

TIRA submissions must read the input from a specified directory and must write its outputs to a specified directory. If you have a Jupyter notebook, we have here an example that uses runnb to execute Jupyter notebooks accordingly: https://github.com/tira-io/ir-experiment-platform/blob/main/tira-ir-starters/pyterrier/run-pyterrier-notebook.py#L30.

It might also be an option to transform the Jupyter notebook to a python script, Jupyter and Google Colab have an automatic option to do this.

Please note: We are now two weeks after the extended submission deadline (the original deadline was May 6). Also, the notebook paper submission deadline is already very close (31 May 2024). I think it could be still feasible to manage both, I will contact you in a private message to clarify further details.

Best regards,
