Hi to all,
I would like to request a step by step guide for a tira docke submission (if it is possible). I can understand that the upload is performed successfully by tira-cli command. Am I corect? Is there another way like docker push on Tira’s registry?
I am trying based on steps but I am getting the following error during tira-run cli login.
INFO:root:No settings given in C:\Users\ppetropo/.tira/.tira-settings.json. I will use defaults.
INFO:root:No settings given in C:\Users\ppetropo/.tira/.tira-settings.json. I will use defaults.
INFO:root:No settings given in C:\Users\ppetropo/.tira/.tira-settings.json. I will use defaults.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 198, in _run_module_as_main
File “”, line 88, in run_code
File "C:\Users\ppetropo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Scripts\tira-cli.exe_main.py", line 7, in File “C:\Users\ppetropo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\tira\tira_cli.py”, line 47, in main
File “C:\Users\ppetropo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\tira\rest_api_client.py”, line 464, in login
self.update_settings(‘api_key’, token)
File “C:\Users\ppetropo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\tira\rest_api_client.py”, line 57, in update_settings
json.dump(settings, open(Path(self.tira_cache_dir) / ‘.tira-settings.json’, ‘w+’))
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘C:\Users\ppetropo\.tira\.tira-settings.json’
The prev. year submission was different. Also I would like to know how to resolve issue like too slow upload (ref to this issue Docker image upload too slow I opened a year ago and resolved with dockerhub )
Dear Panos,
Thanks for participating in the task and for reaching out!
Would it be an option for you to use a (private) github repository?
We have good experiences with github actions that dockerize the code in the repository and upload this to TIRA, as the upload there is rather fast and it also is very good because this keeps track on the commit that produced a submission.
Would this work for you? If so, I can configure this for your task.
Best regards,
I.e., in that case, the “tira-run cli” commands would be executed within the github action, and from there the uploads are usually finished in around 10 minutes.
Thanks for your answer. If I can understand correctly, you request from me to push my src code with the dockerfile on github repo. After that What should I do?
Also I am wondering about my saved model. Github has limitations of pushing too large files.
Sorry for the spam. By saying you will configure a workflow, you mean to create the yaml file in the github repo in order to build the image and perform the tira-cli command for submission? So the only thing that I must do is the git push of my src code. You will creaet something like a CI/CD pipeline. Correct?
No worries, this is no spam 
Yes, we will create the CI/CD pipeline. The model size might indeed be a problem, we could realize this via (1) a private huggingface repo, or (2) we could upload the base image with the model to Dockerhub (e.g., that the docker image from Dockerhub already has all dependencies and the model included and the CI/CD pipeline only adds the source code and then pushes everything to tira). Both would be reasonable approaches I think, we could continue the details in a private chat?
Best regards,
Hi Maik,
Yes we can continue in a private chat. Please send me a message. I sent you a private message yesterday but I can not find it.
I Have upload my src code on github. I have also upload the whole docker image (all dependencies and the final software ) on dockerhub.A 10GB image including the model. So If you will create a CI/CD pipeline then you can pull each time the image from dockerhub and code from github, creating a new image. Am I correct?
Hi @maik_froebe ,
I tried to create a CI/CD with github actions. This workflow is responsible to build a new image after push of my code on github and after that to push the new image to dockerhub. After pushing the workflow tries to install the tira-cli and perform the auth login. But as you can see the same issue with my local pc raised again on Github action. (see image) Could you pelase help?
Hi again,
I think I foun the issue… The step-by-step guid on Tira show the tira command for auth. As below:

The token need to be quotized with single quotes. I am wondering if the token is valid for my account. I am getting ValueError: Got statuscode 403 for /api/role. Got <Response [403]>
Or is something with my role on the task?
Could you pelase help me? Sorry Maik really sorry for the spam.
Thanks in advanced
Dear Panos,
Sorry for my late response, I will look into this and will write to you in a private chat.
Best regards,